Seicomart Exclusive – Melon Chuhai

Since I can’t drink beer, I only choose low-alcohol fruit wines.
When in Hokkaido, you have to look for something unique~
Of course, Hokkaido is famous for its: potatoes, lavender, melons, corn…

Seeing that Seicomart launched this melon chuhai, I bought it. It was about ¥148 per bottle.
However, I didn’t have time to drink it while in Hokkaido, so I brought it back to Taiwan XD

It’s worth noting that it uses Hokkaido-grown melon juice.

The juice content is only 0.1%, with 3% alcohol.

This bottle is 500ml.

The calorie count is quite high, with 300 calories per bottle.
Drinking two bottles a day would definitely make you gain weight~

When poured out, it has a lot of bubbles.

The bubbles dissipate quickly.
And the color is not like the usual chemical melon green.

Before long, the bubbles are almost gone~

However, you can still see many bubbles in the glass.

So, that’s the melon chuhai I bought at Seicomart in Hokkaido~

Additionally, Seicomart is commonly found in Hokkaido as follows

Seicomart Official Website

Note, excessive drinking is harmful to health!!
★★Don’t drink and drive, and don’t drink while driving. If you want to risk your life, don’t drag others down with you★★

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