Denraku Miso-田樂みそ

Tianle Miso – Tianle Miso

The first time I encountered this type of miso was in a dinner dish at a hot spring hotel in Mie Prefecture, Taisenkaku. What I had then was “Hoba Miso,” and although the “Denraku Miso” I bought this time tastes a bit different from Hoba Miso, using it as a dressing for ingredients is still quite good~

This is Denraku Miso.
It’s made and sold by Igagoe, a company with a hundred-year history.
From the packaging, you can tell it can be used as a sauce for tofu and eggplant.
A small box, about 150g, the exact price escapes me, but it was around ¥300, which is quite affordable.

On the back of the product packaging, in addition to the manufacturing information, there are also cooking examples.

After removing the outer paper box, it looks like this.

Inside is a special miso paste. It’s different from the miso soup we commonly drink. This kind is saltier and sweeter.

Personally, I like using it as a spread for sandwiches. The sandwiches I make are very simple. Just fry an egg first (it’s better with green onions), then add a slice of cheese. You could also consider adding peanut butter; that works too~

When the sauce is spread, it appears relatively thick.
This is because it has been taken out of the refrigerator~.

Pop it into a small toaster oven and give it a light toast~ to melt the cheese.

After heating the miso paste, it becomes a bit more liquidy… At this point, you can directly pick it up and eat it~.

Since I forgot to take a cross-section photo, I’ll have to make another regular sandwich.

This time I used three slices of toast, but the method is slightly different.
One slice is toasted first, then spread with peanut butter.
The rest follows the same steps as before.
After placing an egg on one slice, spread it with miso paste.
Put a slice of cheese on the other slice.
Then, put both in the oven and toast for three minutes. And just like that, it’s all done~.

The combination of cheese, egg, and miso tastes great!! However, for those who are sensitive to salt, be careful not to use too much miso paste~.

Above… is the special sandwich made with Denraku Miso by me, on a budget.
My impression after eating it is that it’s like a miso-flavored, sandwich version of a steamed bun with egg… XD.
All in all, it’s quite tasty~.

For reference:
Igagoe’s Denraku Miso.

『Original Source: