Affordable Chain Restaurant – Marugame Seimen – Kamatama Udon

Marugame Seimen (Japanese: 丸亀製麺) is one of my favorite chain noodle shops in Japan. Personally, I prefer noodles that have a good texture and elasticity. Compared to other chain udon shops, it’s not just the udon that tastes good. The side dishes are also quite good, and the best part is that it’s cheap.

I came to this side of Kawaramachi Sanjo to eat because I have always wanted to come and eat here, but I never had the chance. This time, I deliberately took a car to come and eat… It was not a waste of ¥220… There is a signboard at the entrance…

There is a billboard at the door.

After entering, the ordering process here is similar to the one I experienced at the previous restaurant, Hua Wan. You place your order directly at the front counter, then collect your side dishes, and finally pay at the end.

Just wait for about 30 seconds to place your order here…

The diverse snack area is filled with fried food, but the prices are affordable~

I ordered deep-fried conger eel (Japanese: あなご天) for 130 yen and deep-fried egg (Japanese: 半熟玉子天) for 100 yen. However, you have to assemble it yourself.

You can see that many people will also order side dishes.

This is the checkout area.

Condiments on the table

This is the soy sauce that you need to add when eating kamatama udon noodles.

On the wall, there are the delicious secrets of kamatama udon noodles… I will explain how to eat them later…

Because at first I didn’t see the plate for side dishes, I put the fried egg and the anchovy fish in the bowl of udon noodles…

In addition to the side dishes, you can also add other toppings yourself, such as scallions, ginger paste… and oh, don’t forget to add those crispy tempura flakes, they’re a must-have!

Let the Oolong noodles see the world… Actually, the way to enjoy Kamatama Oolong noodles is to pour on the special soy sauce, add a generous amount of chopped scallions, give it a good stir, and it becomes incredibly delicious~

Fried egg is actually a half-cooked tamagoyaki, and if you’re concerned about the high calorie content from frying, you can opt for a regular onsen egg.

Take a look at this translucent egg yolk…

Add some seven spice powder, the taste is also pretty good~

Let’s take a look at the hairtail fish.

Of course, the taste cannot be compared to Tianzhou’s, but it won’t be too far behind~ After all, this one only costs ¥100…

Drizzle with soy sauce, it’s also delicious~

Finally, let’s take a look at this Kamado Oolong Noodles priced at ¥430 (large bowl). In fact, this Oolong Noodles is a blend of semi-cooked egg sauce with the noodles.

Take a look at the egg custard next to it…

Above is the food review of Marugame Seimen. Since Marugame Seimen is a chain restaurant, there are many branches in Kyoto, and the quality of each branch is similar. I ate at the Kawaramachi Sanjo branch.

Personal Food Rating: ★★★★☆ (4.5)
Comment: This Kamatama Udon Noodles are super delicious, and the side dishes are also very affordable. I highly recommend the fried egg, it’s so tasty. However, the downside is that you can only have two eggs a day. Cholesterol levels might get too high… XD

Rating Criteria:
Five stars: Super delicious; after eating, it will make you want to go back for more.
Four stars: Delicious; after eating, you’ll feel satisfied, but it won’t leave a lasting impression.
Three stars: Not bad; if you happen to be nearby, it’s worth a try.
Two stars: Average; if you want to play it safe, you can give it a go.
One star: Not my cup of tea; potential disappointment.

For more information on Kansai cuisine, please refer to the Kansai Food page.

Reference Material: Marugame Seimen Official Website

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